— Priya Mahtani, Women's Coach, Facilitator, Writer

"I loved my Poweress Hour on Attracting My Ideal Client with Hils, as it was so rich and far more powerful than I had anticipated. Although I'm already in the communications space and used to working with clients on their ideal clients, it was totally different being the client in this case. Hils was friendly, professional, and full of great insights. The Poweress Hour was also packed with great questions, I really felt like I got under the skin of my ideal client - so much so that she started developing a whole life of her own! I loved working with Hils - her practical, yet intuitive and grounded approach helped me to access my intuitive knowing and get me clearer on those women I'm longing to serve in my work too. Fantastic session. Thoroughly recommend. Thanks Hils!"


— Julie, Being Resourced